Thursday, December 11, 2014


December? Already?

Employment Status: Full-Time Gypsy
Mood: anxiously creative/creatively anxious?
Listening to: acoustic versions of pop songs on Songza
Drinking: a very dirty chai latte (not sure why they put two shots of espresso instead of one...) 

I feel every time I come back to this online space, another atrocious amount of time has passed, and I'm left feeling like a bit of a failure. I can't change the past, I can only plan to change the future.

With New Years just around the corner, I felt it appropriate to hop on yet another 'challenge' train and do Deanne Love's DANCEmber. Thirty-one days of hooping. And not a "You must hoop for 30 minutes every day" sort of challenge. But a "here's a calendar of tutorials and suggestions you can use for 31 days, so no excuse!" sort of challenge. Seemed apt.

One of the scariest things I can admit to you (whoever YOU are) is that I don't hoop often. Or at all. Weeks can go by where I don't as so much look at my hoop. What's funny is that I have this dream and desire to be a graceful, beautiful (and fit) hoop how am I going to achieve that goal if I do nothing. Actually nothing.

While it's true that I have a 'business' that revolves around these sacred circles, my current level of hoop dance isn't exactly where I think a lot of people might assume that it is. Fortunately for me DANCEmber is paving the way into the new year for me. The better me. (Thanks, Deanne.)

So what's going to change?

This is what everyone loves about new years. A fresh start. Another chance to do things right.

When I start to think about New Years Eve, I suddenly get anxious thinking about how I'm going to ring in the New Year. This anxiety floods my mind with a side of panic to boot.

Without a 'job' that requires me to leave my house, I've had an ample amount of time to work on the things that make my creative mind happy. This in itself is a blessing, but it also gives me more time to think. This leads to creating ideas and placing a lot of pressure on myself, and listing all the things I SHOULD be doing.

Hoops by Gypsy's new look!
My brain goes into overdrive with all this thinking time. I get creative downloads at odd hours of the night...but also all day long. I get excited and then sad, because financially I don't have the means to follow through with some of these ideas. The overwhelming thoughts flood my mind, eventually crippling me because I don't know where to start. (I think there's an app to help with that...)

SO...keeping with the theme of fresh starts...

There's going to be some great things happening in the new year, personally and for HoopsByGypsy...though, those two things are pretty much intertwined. My new logo (created by Miss Amanda Jean of Orange U Creative in Prince George, BC) was a good gateway into the exciting changes about to happen. Perhaps I will be able to follow suit and give myself a makeover, too.

Some may find it cliche to take advantage of a new calendar year, but some of us rely on it.

I hope to maintain some sort of blogging schedule. And no, I won't say "starting in the new year"...this will start now. With the help of a global hoop community, Deanne Love, DANCEmber, a supportive partner, a loving sister, and my gypsy spirit...I am going to pave a positive path into 2015.

love & light,

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